Disney Princess Fan Confessions

dimitri_ posted on Feb 24, 2014 at 07:27PM
I want to do something kind of like the Disney Confessions on Tumblr. I will start confessing stuff so you understand and hopefully ''confess'' things too :) I don't know if you'll like this idea but hey, I want to get things off my chest. Aaaaah I'm so scared about the stuff I confessed haha.
I want to do something kind of like the Disney Confessions on Tumblr. I will start confessing stuff s
last edited on Feb 24, 2014 at 07:31PM

Disney Princess 10 replies

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over a year ago dimitri_ said…
I am Asian (not Chinese). I didn't want to reveal my ethnicity because I didn't want people to think Mulan was my favorite because she was Asian. Because truly, her race has nothing to do with why I love her. Yes, maybe those are the reasons why we are alike or why I find her so beautiful. But in real life, I can assure you I don't have a preference with Asian people, for example I hate when someone is so proud of their race that they have to make hateful comments about the other races. I watched a ''documentary'' of Mulan and it said the creators were trying to please the Asian viewers and I can tell you I am one who is very pleased.

Not that it matters but as you can tell in this poll, Asians are in the minority on this club: link
dimitri_ commented…
I feel like I just came out of the closet revealing this or something O_O over a year ago
Silverrose1991 commented…
I thought you were French or Canadian, because you speak French, don't you? over a year ago
dimitri_ commented…
Yeah there is a part of Canada where people speak French, most schools are French. But I'm of Asian descent. over a year ago
Silverrose1991 commented…
^Oh, ok. Thanks for clearing that up. over a year ago
over a year ago dimitri_ said…
It bothers me when people change their favorites list drastically in a matter of days without ANY clear explanations (so this isn't aimed at you dclairmont). TO ME, it doesn't seem like they are expressing their own opinions and seem like a complete different user.
dclairmont commented…
XD But yeah, I totally get what you mean... over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
I agree, only I get annoyed when people change their list drastically every few days. We've got like two dozen active users, most of them have favorite lists. When so many people drastically change their lists every few days, I can't keep track of who likes who. After a while, I even stop caring because I know they're going to change their list in a few hours or days anyway. over a year ago
over a year ago dimitri_ said…
There are people who just seem to hate on things that are getting popular. I hate the constant use of the word overrated as I think everything that is popular and unpopular are that way for a reason. In fact, the more I analyze a DP, the more my list fits the general public's opinion.
dclairmont commented…
I think I'm naturally harder on the more popular princesses...I should try and change that :/ over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
I only use "overrated" on Ariel and Frozen, as I honestly do think the hype is greater than the content, but I agree. Like "Mary Sue," the term gets used so much it loses all meaning. I think the person needs to explain WHY they think something is "overrated" rather than throwing the term like confetti. over a year ago
coolsinger198 commented…
omg i agreee so much dimitri!! like once something gets popular, people start to hate it over a year ago
over a year ago dimitri_ said…
It bothers me when people complain about a Princess being too skinny or having huge eyes, they are cartoons for god's sake.
CRaZy_rawR commented…
OMG, yes! over a year ago
over a year ago Silverrose1991 said…
It annoys me that people is saying "Oh Frozen is your usual racist Disney movie with blue-eyed, blonde princesses". Please, do some research. There aren't many blue-eyed blondes in Disney. The only princess that fits that description (without Anna and Elsa) is Cinderella (who had reddish/brown hair before they restored the movie).
dimitri_ commented…
Plus Frozen is set in Norway. over a year ago
prussiaducky commented…
When it comes to blonde, you can also include Aurora and Rapunzel (since for most of her life she was blonde, and a majority of the movie). I've never heard the blue-eyed sentiments before, I usually hear "white and blonde" princesses over a year ago
Tygers_Eye commented…
A lot of people were disappointed they weren't more ethnic northerners like Inuits or include more heavily cultural Lappish/Finnish/Norse material like in earlier drafts. In a way, I think Disney's latest trend of going back to "white" princesses after Tiana failed to bring truck loads of money they expected a little... problematic. It looks like we won't see another non-white princess until Moana in 2018. =/ over a year ago
over a year ago prussiaducky said…
I hate it when people want princesses to fit their "labels", like tbh consider this: skin color, race, or whether the character is an animal does not mean you cannot relate to them.
Silverrose1991 commented…
Yes, I find that kind of annoying too. It's good when you have a character who looks like you, but race doesn't matter. Btw, race doesn't really exists. I learned that in my Sciences class another day. over a year ago
Silverrose1991 commented…
*looks doesn't matter over a year ago
prussiaducky commented…
@Tygers_Eye I'm a pretty diverse person, and tbh I relate a lot more to animal characters and male characters rather than female, I feel as if racial identity is stupid, and that we should teach kids that just because someone does not look like you that does not mean they are not relatable. That's just my stand, instead of feeding our differences we should start accepting we're all of the same flesh. Females and males have the difference of sexual organs, and races have slight differences. We're all human, why not actually see ourselves in the same boat? over a year ago
over a year ago Silverrose1991 said…
Until last year, I never cared for the protagonists. I always loved the sidekicks more. My favorite princess list was totally based on sidekicks. That's the reason why BatB and Belle were my favorites movie/princess.
banjoth commented…
Same here! over a year ago
over a year ago TheFabulousFAN said…
His is sort of like 'unpopular a Disney confession' forum. Anyway I feel that people shouldn't hate a character because of their 'looks' like I get that Jasmine is skinny, but just because she is unrealistic doesn't mean you should hate her, it's a CARTOON.
dimitri_ commented…
I just got a message concerning the unpopular forum and I felt attacked. I think it's different because you rant on this one more and it doesn't have to be unpopular. But if most people feel like it's the same, I will just close this forum. over a year ago
over a year ago dclairmont said…
It's always bothered me when people bring up POC and the Disney Princesses. They argue that there's 13 princesses and only 4 princesses are POC, which is 31%, but once you eliminate Elsa (or Anna, but they are sisters, so it's natural that if one is one color, the other will be the same), that's 33%, and if you remove the Classic Princesses (they were made at a very different time when the USA was still very racist), that brings it down to 4 out of 9, which is almost half. Even when you break that down further, Elsa (or Anna) is Norwegian, Ariel is Danish, Belle is French, Rapunzel is German, and Merida is Scottish. So, there argument is pointless in my honest opinion and quite stupid.
Silverrose1991 commented…
Yeah, I agree. However, many people like to point out Disney isn't historically accurate so they could insert POC in their fairytales kingdom. over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
Yeah! But I can see how they would want more PoC my BFF is PoC and she wants a princess of her race just so she can think her race is pretty, amazing and well....a heroine. Is that so bad? I see both sides of this argument both being the fairytales are from Europe but also PaTF was originally Danish but...it takes place in America as an African American Princess sooo really they have a point ...plus they only get 1 of each race sooooo. Plus don't just say because it was in the 1930's -60's it still doesn't give a valid reason why most of the DPs are white...or Heroines for that matter. I all counts the same 4/13 that's the ratio no matter what and I support my BFF in her belief of more PoC princesses. ThOUGH I MUST STRESS!!! I DONT CARE WHAT THE RACE IS. But then again this is coming from the average white girl...idk what PoC actually think about it but I just think they do have a point....non the less I hope that made sense over a year ago
over a year ago Tygers_Eye said…
Getting tired of people saying that asking for PoC is somehow racist or ridiculous. Before I continue, my favorite princess growing up was Mulan because I related to her most, until Tiana debuted and she has been my favorite ever since. I also loved Pocahontas as a kid and Aladdin was one of my favorite Disney movies. So, clearly, race is not an issue for me in relating.

That said: Disney Princesses are role models. The standards of beauty, strength, courage, excellence, and kindness in our collective cultures. They're often the first fictional female characters that young girls are exposed to, look up to, admire, want to be like. The ones they imitate at home, whether it's buying the fancy dresses from the Disney store, wearing their hair the same way for Halloween, or putting together something from the house like bath towel ball gowns or a glossy curtain cape like Elsa's dress.

If every single princess is white, then what kind of message does that send out? White girls are the standard of excellence (in beauty, strength, personality, cultural identity and heritage) but ethnic girls aren't? Everyone can relate to white princesses but only girls of that ethnicity can relate to princesses of a certain ethnicity, so it's not worth bothering to make them? If so, why do princesses that white girls can relate to worth more than ethnic princesses?

If race, ethnicity, and cultural identity really doesn't matter, then why not have more princesses of different races, ethnicities, and cultural identities?
last edited over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
Thank you, I'm white too but I think more princesses of different races would be nice. Why can't girl have someone of their race looking pretty in fancy dresses and makeup. I don't see anything wrong with wanting a princess of your own race. My BFF is a PoC and she wants a Latino princess. Is that so wrong? I have princesses that look like me but she doesn't so I love the idea of PoC princesses. Like Tygers_eye said over a year ago
TheFabulousFAN commented…
And if the situation were reversed, I would want more than just 1 white girl on the line up over a year ago
coolsinger198 commented…
i agree with Tygers Eyes and thefabulousFAN. i agree with the relating thing so much. i wish people would stop acting like it doesnt matter. over a year ago
prussiaducky commented…
It's the parents fault if their child is feeling insecure, who ever they were raised with. I know that my parents raised me to be proud of how I look, how I present myself, what I wear, and thanks to them, I feel pretty confident about my choices in life. I'm a sliver of society that no one even knows about, no one can speak my parent's ethnic language because you cannot find a single class to learn it in. I know it, but it's hard to learn with other influences. Anyhow, young girls and boys should be taught by a LIVING BREATHING FIGURE that they are beautiful and should be proud, NOT an artificial life form made of pixels of light and color on a screen. Parents, guidance, loved ones, teachers, they are the ones who should teach young ones to be confident, not the screen. over a year ago