Disney Princess The Person Above Me Game

hajirah4 posted on Mar 17, 2014 at 01:21AM
So, it's a pretty straightfoward game. Here's an example.

A: Ready!
B: ^You're a great artist.
C: ^You're one of the nicest people I know
A: ^I love the way how you defend Merida
D: ^You say the funniest jokes all the time. Remember when you said blablablablabla? I laughed soooo much.

Note that A started the game and said ready, but when a new person came they didn't say ready. So when the third person came,t hey just continued the game. It doesn't have to be one sentence. Just make sure it's positive. And don't make anything up! By this, I mean that you shouldn't mention something that has nothing to do with that person. I, for intance have never showed my face here before, so I wouldn't believe you if you said that you liked my eyebrows, which you've never seen. Plus, that's creepy. Do you guys get it? So one person says ready, and then the game starts.


1. First person must say ready or anything. There just has to be a person to start the game.
2. The next person starts the game by giving a compliment.
3. Always be positive. Don't say anything rude/mean/iapropriate, etc...
4. Have fun!

Disney Princess 750 replies

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Showing Replies 201-250 of 750

over a year ago BelleRose829 said…
^your very nice! you seem to always have interesting g opinions and contributions to the club. :3
over a year ago purplerose17 said…
^ This might sound weird, but it's really awesome how you dived into this club. You just started being active and you don't care what others think!
over a year ago cruella said…
^You're a great artist and very creative.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HaileyBlack said…
^ I like your Cruella pic :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago misscindyspice said…
^ I don't know you yet, but you seem nice! :)
over a year ago shanyuisboss said…
^Your such a joy to have in this club! So much fun to talk to and i knew I was gonna love you from the moment I saw your getting to know article :)
misscindyspice commented…
Oh, thank you so much! over a year ago
over a year ago BKG201 said…
You always participate everywhere in this club and are really supportive when people write articles
over a year ago misscindyspice said…
^ Your Disney's next top model articles are so fun to read, and you get so creative with all the different characters!
over a year ago purplerose17 said…
^ I don't know you too well, but you seem very sweet!
over a year ago cruella said…
^ You're very kind and helpful
over a year ago shanyuisboss said…
^You are such a great writer, your entries in the sequel contest are amazing. You are clearly working very hard organizing that and I just love how hard working and dedicated you are.
cruella commented…
Thanks :) over a year ago
over a year ago TheCrystalRing said…
^You're very insightful and supportive towards everyone :)
shanyuisboss commented…
Thank you! over a year ago
over a year ago MalloMar said…
big smile
^You're a legend, a celebrity here! At least to me.... You have always been inspiring and so respectful of everyone. Also, you make incredible crossover pictures!
TheCrystalRing commented…
Aw, thank you very much! over a year ago
over a year ago shanyuisboss said…
^You are not only so sweet but just so funny! You always post hilarious edits in the random fun place and just have this quirky kind of humor, I love it!
MalloMar commented…
Thanks! XD over a year ago
over a year ago cruella said…
^ You're one of the nicest people I know. You're very sweet and encouraging.
over a year ago shanyuisboss said…
^Ah, Cruella, one of my favorite users. I love your commitment and dedication to this spot, even thoug you recently became active again, you've put a lot of time here and you are very sweet and welcoming to people.

Sorry everyone for constantly being here, I know it might be hard to keep finding compliments,I just really feel the need to give people compliments here.
over a year ago HaileyBlack said…
^You seem really sweet and kind. You also give out a lot of compliments!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sweetie-94 said…
^I don't know you so well, but I really love your icon
over a year ago MalloMar said…
^I don't know you so well, either, but I've heard so many nice things about you, and from what I've seen, you are one of the most understanding, kind members here. I love your dedication to Snow White!
over a year ago Silverrose1991 said…
^I love your positive attitude! You're the sweetest person I know (well, tied with someone I know in real life).
last edited over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
Thank you! over a year ago
over a year ago coolsinger198 said…
^Gus, I love how mature you are and logical. With every opinion you have, you always back it up with so much details, evidence and facts. You also make some of the best articles and icons! I also like how you are not so easily fooled by false information lol like how you werent sure Angelina was gonna become an official DP.
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
^ You're always there for people, but you also understand where they're coming from.
over a year ago shanyuisboss said…
^You are very dedicated to your interest in the DPs. Like when you make your makeup edits, they are so amazing and you seem to put so much time into them.
mhs1025 commented…
I do! I wanna make sure everything looks just right! over a year ago
shanyuisboss commented…
I thought so! They always look great! over a year ago
over a year ago purplerose17 said…
^ You really like all of the users here! (Obviously, since you're giving us so many compliments)
shanyuisboss commented…
Aww, thanks! I really do love all of you though! over a year ago
over a year ago 324anna said…
^You are bubbly, funny and very intelligent!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago HaileyBlack said…
^You're an Esmeralda fan! How can you not be awesome?
over a year ago purplerose17 said…
^ You seem nice, and I liked your article on your life!
over a year ago shanyuisboss said…
^You are so fun to have in this club! Your comments are always fun to read and you seem very organized and an interesting person.
purplerose17 commented…
Organized? Far from it. But still, thank you! :) over a year ago
over a year ago Shiki_Otherside said…
^You are the best team leader ever! You inspire me to want to be someone who can take charge and keep my head held high in any situation!
shanyuisboss commented…
Aww, that's so sweet! Thank you! over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
^ I don't know you, but you seem kind and smart.
over a year ago nmdis said…
^ You are a good suggestion giver. And a nice artist ^_^
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
^ I think it's great you made that Getting To Know Each Other game. We get to know each other more and more every day!
nmdis commented…
Oh thanks over a year ago
over a year ago shanyuisboss said…
^I love that you are such a strong defender of Pocahontas and always speak your mind in her defense! The first time I saw you was in a poll and I think it was about underrated DPs. You chose Pocahontas and gave a long defense comment about her and I remember liking you from the start for that.
over a year ago BelleRose829 said…
^i find you extremely intelligent and respectful. You stay so nice and down to earth. I always enjoy reading your comments.
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
^ You're a caring person.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago 324anna said…
^ I don't know you well, but you seem really friendly, intelligent and if what shanyuisboss said about you above is true (and of course it is), then you are amazing!
mhs1025 commented…
Thank you so much! That means alot to me! over a year ago
324anna commented…
you're welcome :) over a year ago
over a year ago purplerose17 said…
^We collaborate well in the Team Games!
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
^ I don't know you yet, but you're very passionate.
over a year ago MalloMar said…
^You never fail to make me happy. You're truly a nice person, very supportive!
mhs1025 commented…
Awww, thank you so much! over a year ago
over a year ago shanyuisboss said…
^Exactly what you said for Mary goes for you. You are one of the most supportive people I've ever met and never fail to make me smile :)
over a year ago doomkittycd said…
^ I don't know you very well, but from what i have seen you are really nice and amazing :)
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
^ I don't really know you, but if you're new here, you'll be a great family member to have.
doomkittycd commented…
Thanks over a year ago
over a year ago fiina said…
^ I think you're really kind and useful member here.
over a year ago 324anna said…
^ You draw AMAZING pictures! You have talent! I wish I could be as artistic as you!
over a year ago shanyuisboss said…
^I LOVE your bubbly and just incredibely fun and energetic personality, I seriously want to meet you in real life. You just seem like the kind that would be great friends with me and you already are (i hope) here over the internet.
324anna commented…
Thank you so much, you won't believe how much this means to me, I would love to meet you in real life, you are one of my closest friends here on fanpop. :) over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
^ You have a strong personality everyone can relate to.
over a year ago BelleRose829 said…
^i absolutely ADORE your personality. I like reading your comments and ideas too!
over a year ago misscindyspice said…
You are so funny! On the wall, when you talked about how you sang Let it Go to the old lady's feeding the birds, I laughed so hard. And I love that you think Merida is gorgeous, I think that too <3
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
^ You're admirable!
over a year ago BelleRose829 said…
^You are very nice. I jus love your forums!